Thursday, August 5, 2010


I can honestly say that I have not had a week like this in so long and that's a good thing as it's been awful. Lots of things have happened but it's always like that, when it rains it pours. However one of the hardest aspects is two sick kids which means no leaving the house. I am going crazy!!
On a good note though, my weight loss journey is going great guns. After two kids and an illness I had stacked on the kilos and I felt sluggish and BIG. However I decided to follow the Dukan Diet and so far I have lost 7.4 kilos in 7 weeks. I love the feeling of putting on clothes and finding that they are too big. I have 1.6 kilos until my goal weight and then I am going on a killer shopping spree, sans kids!
Only problem is that I weighed what I weigh now 5 years ago when I got married but my body looked a lot different back then. I dare say having two babies and age have played a role in that. I am working out most days but may need to kick it up a notch.
It's amazing how much better you can handle stressful weeks like this when your health is good. Why didn't I do this sooner???


  1. Well done for the huge progress you've made with your weight loss program. I've been feeling a bit run down lately so I think I really need to get my health back on track - plenty of fruit and veg :) Hope your two get better soon, it's no fun when kids are unwell x

  2. I hope everyone is well again and congrats on the weight loss. What a great excuse to go shopping! Have fun!

  3. I hope you're all back on your feet and out of the house! Congrats on your weight loss - you are the second inspiring post I've read along those lines today and I'm getting closer to putting on my running shoes and getting out there. Only it's raining. But exercise is in my future, for sure!
